George Elerick
4 min readApr 29, 2018

Life is not about being an entrepreneur, life is it self entrepreneurship

Life is not about being an entrepreneur, life is it self entrepreneurship. It is innovating, creating, breathing new life into your choices, it is working together with those closest to you to find ways in which you can experience existence in a more creative, animated way.

It is finding methods, changing beliefs, altering your own narrative, to include the necessary changes in your life to affect the world in such a positive Way that if you were to die tomorrow, the world would be lost without you.

This is beyond some idealistic version of messianism. You were not meant to be the savior of the world, but you are meant to create something that can help save the world, and make it better.

For every person, that starts with self-awareness, knowing your strengths, your weaknesses, and building on your strengths and forgetting your weaknesses. We live in a culture that focuses so much on our weaknesses, or peccadilloes, our sins and what’s wrong with us. We have commodified every minute of our life. We talk about anti-aging face creams, as if they’ll somehow turn back and reverse the reality that we’re all going to die. Death is a great place to start when you’re looking for motivation.

If you have insomnia, for example, maybe there’s a reason for that. Maybe the reason why you can’t sleep, is because either you haven’t found what you’re meant to do, or because maybe you have. Meaning, that if you can’t sleep at night, ask why.

Start there. And begin building curiosity around your insomnia. Find out what makes it so you can’t sleep. Because, at the seat of passion, is the visceral state of purpose. Once you find something in your life, where you can’t shut your brain off, but you can’t actually shut up about to your friends, that could possibly be a great hint that the universe is trying to wake you up to.

Entrepreneurship should never be about business, but should be about purpose, about creativity, about to drive towards finding your own personal potential. Good dreams, first and foremost, are not about getting money, nor about gaining visual, or measurable success within society.

It should be about you wrestling with the very act of being alive. If it’s anything less than that, then you have been caught in someone else’s fucking dream. And that ends up being a nightmare.

That is why you end up having a midlife crisis, because you begin realizing that your purpose and passion have been subsumed by someone else’s. That your purpose was never realized, that it was mediated, controlled and defined, my conditions with in a society that does not know how to handle the creative spirit.

Our educational system is a detriment to finding your purpose. Mainly, because it conditions you to think that there are certain rites of passage that we all have intersubjectiveky agreed-upon as the only way to discover your passion. That your dream must somehow fit with in the mold of categories that we somehow have idealized as a career.

That we somehow have to fulfill our destiny by going to college or university, that we somehow have to get married, that we have to buy a huge house, and that we should have to acquire, acquire, acquire. That is not your purpose, that is a sort of death.

Please, realize that when I use the word purpose or passion, I am not talking about anything that has been conditioned by society. But that thing inside of you that you can’t seem to shut up, the intuition, that spirit, that drive, that insomnia, those moments where you realize: I can’t live without this, it’s finding a way in my life with out me trying to control it.

Listen to that inner voice. Do not let anybody else try to stifle it, and most of all, do not let yourself stifle it. Deal with the shit of your childhood, the shit of peer pressure, the shit of your own ongoing narrative that says that you were not capable of enacting your passion. Do whatever it takes to make sure that the loudest voice in your head is the one that says you can do it. Then, get it done!

George Elerick
George Elerick

Written by George Elerick

George Elerick is a behavioral experimentalist, activist, comedian and keynote speaker.

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